I recently purchased a LEKATO Guitar Effect Pedal Guitar Looper Pedal, but didn’t realize it didn’t come with a 9V power adapter. Digging through my box of power adapters I’ve saved over the years, I was surprised I didn’t have a 9v adapter. Didn’t matter much because this pedal was negative center, which I probably wouldn’t have had one of those anyway. And while my lab bench power supply did the trick to verify it worked before too much time had pasted, I was looking for a more permanent solution. I think you can see where this is going…
Parts List:
- Doorbell transformer
- 1n4004 rectifier diodes (4x)
- 100pF, 1uF, 10uF, and 100uF ceramic capacitors
- 2.54mm terminal blocks (2x)
- L78S09CV – 9V Linear Voltage Regulator
- 100uF multilayer ceramic chip capacitors (3x)
- 1000uF electrolytic capacitor
- Protoboard
Truth be told, I drew the diagram last. And I added the 1000uF capacitor after I saw the 500mV ripple on the scope.

Gathered the components.

Soldered them to a protoboard.

Now to connect it to the transformer.

Now hooking it up to the scope, you’ll see the filter caps were not enough to hold the voltage at 9V even without a load.

To solve this, I added a 1000uF bulk capacitor to hold up the voltage. I chose that value because it was the first one I pulled out of the bin.

Which did the trick. I connected it to the DC barrel jack and plugged it in to the pedal and tested it out. Sorry, no video.
I’ll pick up an enclosure and salvage a plug to easily connect the transformer to mains. But for a late night project, tossing these components together and seeing that 9V on the meter, felt good. Not often I get a first round pass on something. Leveled up.
I’ve been working on some projects, but being summer time in Chicagoland, I’ve been spending as much time outside as possible. Please check out my recent posts to the right and thanks for following along!