My Koowheel electronic skateboard uses a 10 cells in series, 2 cells in parallel, lithium ion battery pack that after a few years of use, has started to not work due to the failure of one or more 18650 cells. Replacing the cells was relatively easy since I documented the disassembly. I always recommend taking too many photos of something before taking it apart.
In the photos, you can see the negative terminal runs directly to the battery management system (BMS), the positive wire runs down the side, balancing wires for charging, and two thermistors to detect over-temperature.
The physical cells were arranged in groups of two cells side by side for most of the pack, but fifth cells in each component were pairs with other component’s fifth cell. Four total components comprises the remaining two logical cells.
Pulling out the old cells and putting in new cells for each component, and connecting all the components together.
With all the wires and thermistor all back in place, I can then close it all up with shrink wrap.

Thank you for following along. I’m still getting older project posts written up and I’ll be getting my next project, a custom 10S2P lithium ion pack. Please check out my recent posts to the right and thanks for following along!