Continuing to play with Microchip’s new line of 0-series and 1-series means I should figure out a more permanent solution to program the microcontroller. Using jtag2updi written by ElTangas ( for Arduino, I am able to use a Arduino Nano as a UPDI programmer. For a long time, I had a breadboard dedicated to jtag2updi programming, but as I started to move on to other projects, I could either move the circuit to a protoboard, or buy more breadboards. Here is the schematic for the circuit:

I had added a selector switch to switch between 5v and 3.3v. I feel I would always use the 3.3v, but just in case, I wanted the option to have 5v. And I’ve added a 100nF capacitor to the power and ground pins to decouple it from the circuit on the breadboard. On the right is the 3 pin male header to plug in to a breadboard.
And here is the circuit realized:

Now, when I need to program, for instance, say a Attiny1604:

Plugging in the programmer is simple and could even use Male/Female jumper wires to land the connections to Vcc, ground, and data.
I’m most likely to toss up a Attiny1604 project up just to get some familiarity with that chip. But with Atmel Start initializing all the peripherals, getting start is simple and should be very similar to the Attiny406 I has worked with previously. Stay tuned for more projects and check out my recent posts to the right and thanks for following along!